Monday, February 10, 2025

The Stars are Irrelevant: Day 14

 I am going to aggressively attack the problem in the Star because few will continue to listen to me about this unless it has bearing on the matter at hand. Real life. This word has to be taken from the dream.

The Stars are largely IRRELEVANT for real and we only reference them for entertainment, romance, and aspiration (be-more problem)... all mind shit that eventually makes us sick and that we want to stop getting wrapped up in.

What makes this word irrelevant right now in our lives? Why is it not helpful to look at?
(I am taking inventory of the words that define the problem to be deleted/redefined so the way forward is realized)

- Outer-space: because it is an seemingly "unclosable distance" we have to bridge before we can apply this in our lives

- "I am not a celestial body of light" 
- The Light: We do not recognize our own light. That we are the light. There's an abstraction to be grounded, because how am I light? How am I to understand that?

- "I am not special"
 As if the Stars above and below are Special, they are somebody/something I am not and I can't do it. The lack of Self-Belief contributes to the Star Irrelevance.

- Magic and Mystery: same/similar to Special.. the statement is "I cannot figure it out"

- Feeling. It has a bunch of positive feelings associated with it that are not grounded. Do I associate my self with the feelings the Star invokes? Of being a Star myself? What does it feel-like to be a Star?

- Change. [like not knowing what to change]
What am I to physically change in my behavior to be a Star? What act defines a Star?
[immediately saw answers to this]
Performance (Show. Power.)

Lead. Initiate. (See the vision first and create it)

- Blinded by 'Others': it's always about someone/something else 'other' than ME.. = contributes to "I am not special" - we are obsessed with others and what they are doing - that DRAMA is our TRAUMA.

- "I have fallen (behind)" - like this is competition, comparison..."how am I supposed to catch up?"

- No Access: - separation, unable to reach or obtain access to that expression/life of the Star in ourselves.


My approach for now is to, instead of looking for the support, open the flood gates of problems in this word, embracing all that does not resonate with me and allow myself to come to earth with the solution through fleshing out the problem.

A simple understanding to assist with this is INVERSION... as everything is already inverted... and the problem is just another format of the solution... like 1 + 1 = 2 - we see the 2 as the "solution"/"answer" but it is another expression of the "problem" of 1 + 1 - which in it's explanation is a "solution"/"answer" to the number 2.

The INVERTED STAR.... immediately you see the point. This is the "problem" we intuitively understand about the Star. When this thing is on it's head it has a surface, prominent association of EVIL as like the "DEVIL". 

I will continue exploring this EVIL STAR which is just LIVE/LIFE in the mirror. 
The Key to Life Through Evil immediately came to mind.

Monday, February 3, 2025

A Star is Born: Day 13

 What if you didn't have to be anything "special" in the sense of being more or something other than your self to really stand out?

What if the 'secret' to being the best was already who we are when we first got here?

There's this inherent definition of "achievement" or "accomplishment" in being a Star, but what the Star is perceived for isn't something received for doing something outside of itself. 

It's celebrity and what is celebrated is in it's consistent self expression. That's what we admire. The greatness is simply what happens when an expression is lived daily to it's maturity, it's potential. 

Look at someone who is the "best" or a "star" at what they do. The 1 + 1 of it is they woke up and lived that word, in that world, and they did it all the time.

Earlier in one of my blogs I mentioned how I have this memory of being exceptional in a video game.

When I looked at the memory all I could see that put me on the "path to greatness" where I could compete with the best of them is that I just woke up and played the game every day.

Without thinking, no hesitation, no after thought, no guilt, no wondering of what else I could be doing. 

That can go wrong, so i'm not endorsing doing something entirely without thinking about it.
What I am saying is the main ingredient to me becoming the best in that example was immersing my being in what I chose to do. What I wanted to do. And I had no self-conscious interference about it. 

That last part is what I see as a "purity" of action. Unconsciously participating in something where i'm sort of "lost" in what it is i'm engaged in. I know there's a bunch of buzz words for this like "flow state" or "immersion" or whatever else people have coined this observation with... but there's nothing "special" about this to coin.

The main ingredient in BEing the BEst is your BEing.. BE IT... AGAIN... and again.. and again... put ALL of your self into what you're doing. Choose it entirely. See it as your self. Breathe it in. Place it in your heart. Lose your self in it. Walk away only to realize it's still in you because IT IS YOU..

There is this EQAFE audio from one of the animals I believe, like an ocean one.. and they talked about how being their self is almost like losing your self. Like being on the edge of not existing.
When you are who you are.. you're so present it's like you don't exist. Ironic, isn't it?
You can read these words this way.
You can write your blogs this way.
You can speak what you want to say this way. 

The point is when you are born, and this is what makes being the best "child's play", you don't have a thought. You don't mind. For a long time you won't mind. Self-consciousness doesn't enter the picture. 

It's during those stages you absorb everything, fail all the time but don't 'notice' that, and you learn so quickly.
Children play without a thought and become so obsessed, so immersed, in what they they are doing... they become INCREDIBLE at what they do.
Obviously things like education, mentorship, guidance, environment, etc.. come into play.. but look at a child who is fully supported in what they're doing.
They are geniuses. They figure out things we barely believe they could do, or that we could do.

Because THEY are THE BEST /ALREADY/... they've got the main ingredient. We say they've got potential, but they're just totally BEING in what they do and couldn't have a clue. And it's nothing special. Greatness is like a perceived accumulation of what a being has fully lived. They 1 + 1 + 1 until their sum is much more than we could have imagined. We see the result of what has come together through their application, and only a small percentage is what we see.. like the light of a star.

It's absolutely, 100%, totally, CHILD'S PLAY...

Because FUN is FUNdamental.. but you can't have fun if you take yourself too seriously... and to really have fun... you've gotta "lose your self"... 

Therefore, I mean, what's the problem?
There really isn't one, because your mind is full of solutions presented as problems for you to lead the way... but if we must insist there's a problem; it's trying to do something "more" or be "someone else" because that invites this idea there's something you don't already have.. you don't already know.. you can't already do... (consider maybe that's the point in 'losing your self'.. you aren't who you think you are)

but there's no secret... even this understanding is just from reflecting on myself, my life... and using my words to pinpoint something specific... 

Anyone who really looks into the mirror of these words like "Star" or "Best" could soon 'discover' everything I have in this blog about themselves.. really it would just be an "aha!" or a "duh" moment like it's been for me - lol.

I'm grateful to have the Desteni process and the material which explained the Definition/Redefinition/Living word process because it's allowed me to appreciate the simplicity of realizing it's all in the words.

The information is physical, so when we work with the information, especially as we get deeper... we're working with a physical limitation and expression in ourselves. Like waking up a limb.

You have the Spark of Life already.. so use it to IGNITE.. you ARE the IGNITION.. the STARting point as LIFE... REMIND YOURSELF OFTEN.. you're ALREADY special.. EXPAND and EXPRESS that.
This is only a "positive" message in that sense that -
THE REAL WAY TO 1 + 1 + 1 ...
BE IT....

if you don't give up, it's only a matter of time until your special star is obvious to you and obvious to others.