My general experience of living in awareness of the process and message specificity I discovered first and foremost at Desteni (possibly the only place):
In my 'returning', I am still very much sorting out my initial experience of uncovering/discovering.
I have been investigating and clearing my internal reality of self while facing the mirror of self that is the material we share and reference.. Sticking to and working with my tenacity of the basics. I am grateful to have finally expanded my self to include a wiser, discerning, calmer, peaceful, enjoyable, and more comfortable experience of my self in walking with and applying what is here within the group and material. I was accustomed to only experiencing the absolute worst reactions and taking it extremely personally when I would dig in to the material or expose my self within particular perspectives that are shared here. At best I would be containing my fear in an adrenalized passion to fix or empower my self. The only place I saw my self in full, true agreement with (Desteni) was also the place I became the most deeply triggered, unsettled, fearful, and worst I have seen my self.
In my 'returning', I am still very much sorting out my initial experience of uncovering/discovering.
I have been investigating and clearing my internal reality of self while facing the mirror of self that is the material we share and reference.. Sticking to and working with my tenacity of the basics. I am grateful to have finally expanded my self to include a wiser, discerning, calmer, peaceful, enjoyable, and more comfortable experience of my self in walking with and applying what is here within the group and material. I was accustomed to only experiencing the absolute worst reactions and taking it extremely personally when I would dig in to the material or expose my self within particular perspectives that are shared here. At best I would be containing my fear in an adrenalized passion to fix or empower my self. The only place I saw my self in full, true agreement with (Desteni) was also the place I became the most deeply triggered, unsettled, fearful, and worst I have seen my self.
I can see that had I communicated what was coming up within me, heeded the suggestions of others, gave feedback openly, stopped lurking, assessed my interpretations, considered what is actually being said, and reached out for clarity and support.. That would have quite possibly began a total change of direction, understanding, resolve, and progress within me. Now that I can see the solutions that have helped settle the tremendous bickering in me about what I am facing, I want to support the application of my self within these solutions with some self forgiveness.
I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to assume that my experience of facing my self deeply within new information and knowledge that challenges everything (initially at Desteni) is a permanent, real experience that I have no possible way of assessing, changing, or supporting my self within.
I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to be convinced that I clearly understood and grasped what I read or heard that is being shared by others when it is something I know I have never ever encountered before and if I looked within me I would see that I am simply having a tremendous amount of reactivity facing new information and knowledge.. so within this I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to overlook the simplicity of how I cannot self honestly say I have understood anything clearly except that I am having a hardcore, deep internal reaction to what I am facing and that I am not effectively processing any information.
I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to have held on to my initial experience, my first impression of the different participants and material types at Desteni. Within this I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to think and believe I was in a good, standing, stable relationship to any of it when the only point that was clear was I had so much work to do to in sorting out my very beginnings to even see that I have cleared the grounds on which I stand.
I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to zealously consume material hoping I would eventually be familiar enough by massive amounts of consumption to stop having such dramatic, adrenalized, earth quaking, extreme, fiery reactions within me.. because that is not how it is done. I have to clear me out, calm me down, answer my unanswered questions, and discern what I can and can't work with at the moment.
I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to believe I can work with any thing and everything, so therefore forcing my self to look at material with a tortuous, punishing focus on 'dealing with it' instead of seeing who I am within it and directing my self to sort my self out or simply move on in the event it is something I cannot work with at the moment.
I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to not realize and understand that nothing has been 'too much for me to handle' but that I am the one making any thing 'too much for me to handle' through my extremism and self abuse.
I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to mistake the experience of my self for the material being shared and individuals expressing themselves (more specifically here, meaning at Desteni), and I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to project/abdicate my responsibility to this experience of my self on to those I mistake for the source of what is happening within me.
I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my
self to feel I MUST experience my self as the absolute fucking worst I can be if I am here working with Desteni participants and material, as I have defined this word, the space and people within it.. as an experience of facing the most extreme evil within to better my self. Within this, I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to think and believe that to face my self as the absolute worst I must 'get into it', become possessed by it, and let it fuck with my head every day.
self to feel I MUST experience my self as the absolute fucking worst I can be if I am here working with Desteni participants and material, as I have defined this word, the space and people within it.. as an experience of facing the most extreme evil within to better my self. Within this, I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to think and believe that to face my self as the absolute worst I must 'get into it', become possessed by it, and let it fuck with my head every day.
I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to not see that I can decide how I face this challenge, this new information and knowledge, and that I do not have to walk into the dark living dreadful, damned, and unstable.
I forgive my self for accepting and allowing my self to walk with more weight than I can feasibly carry.
When and as I face new information and knowledge I have never encountered before that stirs me, I stop and I breathe.
I commit my self to assessing my self from the start and clearing my self from the beginning to the point I can take another step with what new I am faced with in all honesty.
I commit my self to opening my self up and sharing what is coming up within me for feedback, support, cross referencing, and clarifying so that I am working things out as I go and not developing my self within faulty interpretations and reactions I am attaching to words as definitions.
I commit my self to balancing my self as I walk with the new weight of information and knowledge I have never carried with me into living application of my self
I commit my self to applying self forgiveness to the basics, the tools, the perspectives. All so I am moving through this life with a clear grip on who I am and what I am working with.
I commit my self to focusing on who I am within and not the things and beings I encounter, yet to apply my self in the face of things and beings in a way that supports my self with who and what these beings and things are.
I commit my self to sharing how I overcome tremendous reactions that have potential to compromise me indefinitely.
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