Monday, January 27, 2025

My Star: Day 11

I had a great time with my wife this afternoon listening to music that had to do with the Star.

The principle I see myself naturally applying that is relevant to the Star is Mass Accumulation in that I’m getting a mass of material that I can cross reference and share with others. I am giving as I’d like to receive and creating a hub for others to share in the experience with.

I never considered how music could be part of this investigation but it was a very creative way of seeing what comes up in the word.

It’s also fitting because it is Star Performers, people in the Arts, sharing their presentation of being a Star. The way they sing, the various sounds and rhythms used in the song, and the lyrics they choose to present.

What stood out to me today in doing this was the Power to Influence. In many ways Stars are seen for their Influence and we love them for the effect they have on us. How they shape our lives with their presence.

Bringing this back to self;

Do we know our Influence? Do we know our Power? Do we know what we are really capable of?

In a way, all Stars are equal even in their Power of Influence. We don’t think differently of one Star to another as in thinking less of either, we recognize them as Special because they are a Star. They are different but equally great. It’s a cool example of equality at the highest level.

I had a realization about the Importance of this word choice while listening to the music.

The Star truly is the Starting Point because every day begins with a Star. The Sun. Even at night they are still here, so another cool point was realizing they are Always Here, no matter what time of day. They have an Eternal Presence and Expression in our lives.

It makes sense in many dimensions to begin the day reflecting on our Self as a Star. The Star represents your highest ambitions, your goals. It represents aligning our lives with the Heaven we want to create and bringing it to earth as us, the ones on earth. The ambition to become a Star is equal and one to bringing Heaven on Earth through realizing each individuals potential to be a Shining example of Life.

The practice I thought of was standing as the Star in my Heart, the Center Stage, and pulling every living being in my life into myself as the Star in my chest. It’s a conSIDERATION of All IN what is Best as the Star is The Best. Bringing all into myself as myself, that they can realize themselves as me. It’s inspired by what they did in the early Destonian days with the demons to share Self Forgiveness with them.

Just like a Star begins with a Center of Gravity which pulls All in its vicinity into it to express the Light of Life.

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