Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Leaders are Readers: Reading with Clarity of Purpose : Day 4

Yesterday, I went into WRITING. 
I am going to clarify myself within the basics of this process and give myself a context that supports my various applications within process.
The work must be defined otherwise we cannot see it + do it, yet the work also cannot be done without the tools specifically required to do the work.
For every vision, there is a tool that is purposed to it.
The potential of what could be is realized within the tools that are here, so becoming clear on what we have as the tools will make the the "how" and the "why" the work will work
Tools serve the purpose of the worker and thus reveal ours within our use of them.
If it isn't clear yet, the work is the word and thus our work revolves around the living word.
Writing, reading, speaking, hearing/listening, physical actions, and thinking/self-reflection are the multiple dimensions of the word to clarify as they constitute our response-ability and senses of self - our sensory tools that make sense of what is here as the living word.

Onto the point: READING.

I do not have Destonian context from the wiki to share or Bernard quotes to reference.
I will draw from Osho's words for a moment, because I can recall some of his words on reading and find some more:

“You can use reading as a food for the ego. It is very subtle. You can become knowledgeable; then it is dangerous and harmful. Then you are poisoning yourself, because knowledge is not knowing, knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom has nothing to do with knowledge. Wisdom can exist in total ignorance also. If you use reading just as a food for the mind, to increase your memory, then you are in a wrong direction. But reading can be used in a different way; then reading is as beautiful as anything else in life”

And more here: Silence allowing being

A quote from there:

People continuously ask me.. I go on reading continuously so they ask me, "Why are your eyes still okay? You must have needed specs long ago."

You can read, but if you are reading silently with no thought, the energy comes back. It is never wasted. You never feel tired. My whole life I have been reading twelve hours a day, sometimes even eighteen hours a day, but I have never felt any tiredness. In my eyes I have never felt anything, never any tiredness. Without thought the energy comes back; there is no barrier. And if you are there you reabsorb it, and this reabsorption is rejuvenating. Rather than you eyes being tired they feel more relaxed, more vital, filled with more energy.


What is revealed here within Osho's example?
Again, another leader and a rare man who found self through self with an extreme reading habit.
Leaders are Readers with hours of reading a day, thus they are READy for anything. 
They can seemingly see it all and look very long into themselves, others, and the future.
Because what is reading but looking? What else is seeing if it isn't also reading?
It is listening to the eyes, as he indicated by reading SILENTLY.. silent = listen.
No thought is needed to see or listen. No energy needs to be wasted in the process.
He has done it so long, there is no effort.

He mentions that we can, and most of us likely do, read for the ego.
The starting point when we are reading is of paramount importance, just like I was pointing to with writing.
This brings me to the point of study: 

When we study - study to apply or do not 'study' at all.
Knowledge without application is useless.

Self-Forgiveness to Give Way:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to read to feed my ego.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe I knew how to read effectively.

I forgive myself that I would study without intent to apply myself.

I forgive myself that I read to accumulate knowledge and information and to increase my memory.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take reading for granted.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to THINK when I am reading.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use THINKING as a form of READING where the voice in my head speaking the words is the one processing information and applying it to imagination - conjuring up pictures and other mental content to go along with it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to indulge in consuming knowledge and information like a robot-zombie looking for brains to digest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to pursue knowledge as a form of power and control over myself and others, only to become corrupted through the ingestion of knowledge.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist reading because I know that if I develop an effective reading habit, I will naturally become a leader in my life and with the purpose I have set here for myself - I will be able to help others lead themselves, too. Reading directly leads to an increase in vision.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to give myself clarity on my starting point in relationship to reading and the other basics of who I am within words, such as writing.. listening.. speaking.. thinking.. and acting.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to read for pleasure, which is to be living by/for experience and not within principle.

I forgive myself that I have not read very much.

I forgive myself that I have read only when I am motivated to do so, which even then isn't very much.

I forgive myself that I have not read the blogs, words, and books of those who apply themselves within the principles and purposes I have accepted and set for myself.

I forgive myself that I have not read other blogs in the journey to life series.

I forgive myself that I have not investigated my relationship to reading.

I forgive myself that I have treated reading as a chore and thus reading is something that I do not enjoy and makes me tired.

I forgive myself that I am tired when I read and just want to go to sleep.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to neglect reading and it's importance, to also neglect investigating it until I am clear who I am within reading and what I will do to change this relationship within me.


Self-Corrective Statements that get to the Core:

When and as I see myself still confused about who I am within reading, what the importance of reading is, and/or why I am reading - I stop and I breathe.
I consider the small and subtle shifts in my starting point when/as I am reading. I look at the dimensions of myself and my experience within reading, to read what is going on within me as I reading.. thus reading more into about reading and my relationship to reading.

I realize that reading will help me be as ready as I can ever be as reading and readiness are directly related in their spelling.

I realize readiness is when I have read until the instructions are readily accessible within me, thus I can act, speak, do, write, listen immediately and with intent.

I realize reading isn't "harmless" and that I have taken this basic fundamental of being human for granted, just like I have with writing, speaking, thinking, and acting.

I realize that I must develop an effective and consistent reading habit to see myself through to the end and grow exponentially in a way that I can support myself and others to be ready when the time comes.

I realize that reading is the basis of education.

I realize that reading is a fundamental right I must gift to myself and others, so that we may have a free and just world for all one day.

I commit myself to change my starting point and relationship with reading to one that is best for all, where I am clear on who I am within reading, why I read, and what reading means in terms of it's support for everyone to become the best they can be.

I commit myself to applying myself within reading, where when I read - I am a student that is ready to act on what it is I am processing in this moment.

I commit myself to read with the intent to apply what is best within what I see, to do that which I can see - because what I see is what I can do. This means I will take what is here within the writings available to me and make something physical of them, to test the words out in my own life and create with them a result that supports myself and everyone else... 

I commit myself to read material that is practical, meaning it can be practiced or that it offers an input to an action, making potential active by giving steps for it to become real.

I commit myself to fill in the details of my own life where they apply when I am reading, meaning that I do not wait for the author of whatever expression I read to remain information that is separate from who I am = I will look into how my individual life fits (or doesn't) into what I am reading and then make it real as my own through placing it here into actions that reflect my potential within the words I see.

I commit myself to working with words as words are the work that must be done - meaning they must become physical - as words are the basis for education which spells "DUE ACTION" - these words must come to pass an action lived and paid forward.

I commit myself to make reading real through being real with myself about what I am reading and where what I am reading is leading me to.

I commit myself to question where I am going within what I am reading and to stand within principle and practice/testing when reading.

I commit myself to further clarify the reading point as more opens up. This ends here for tonight.

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